Friday, December 30, 2011

Wow ...have things changed...okay ME!

So today we are in Walmart and I walked by a mirror and got a glimpse of myself and gasped.  I was wearing leggins, Joe's Marine Tshirt, and his jacket.  I was wearing muddy cowboy hair was up in a clippy, (I did have make up on). I reached in my pocket and pulled out a hand full of nails!  I won't be posting pictures...I was the girl who took my kids to the grocery store always dressed in a skirt and heels! Am I just getting old or just really happy and content in my life, huh...have to think about this :)
Okay...I think I am definetly getting old.  The kids ask us to go to Jacksonville to a country bar tonight...we canceled...because it didn't even open til 8pm and we like to be in bed by then.  Tomorrow night, New Years Eve...we are staying in, getting pizza, renting movies and turning the clock ahead... so Chloe thinks it is midnight much earlier!  Okay, I answered my own's both old and happy:)

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